Surgery to Preserve the Spleen with Cardiac Involvement in Hydatid Cyst Diseases
Parag Jaina*,
Puneet Pal Singhb
a* Department of Pharmacy, Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Pharmacy, Durg-491001,
Chhattisgarh, India.
b Division of Livestock Production
and Management, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences &
Technology of Jammu, Main Campus, Chatha-Jammu 180009, India.
*Corresponding Author: Parag Jain.
E-mail Address: (Parag Jain).
17 June 2021
13 July 2021
31 August 2021
Spleen, Splenectomy.
Background: Despite the fact that hydatid illness
affects several organs in the body most
commonly seen in the liver (50-70%) and lungs (20-30%), intracardiac hydatid cyst localization
occurring in only 0.02 - 2% of cases of Cardiac involvement can occur as a
result of systemic or pulmonary circulation. The left ventricle is the most
often affected location (75%), followed by the right ventricle (15%), the
interventricular septum (5-9%), the left atrium (8%), the pericardium (8%),
the pulmonary artery (7%), and the right atrium (3 -4%). on the other hand,
splenic hydatid accounts for only 0.8-4% of all human echinococcosis cases.
Splenectomy was the standard surgical treatment for splenic hydatid until
recently. Since 1980, there has been a growing trend toward using
conservative treatment options to treat such pathology.
Aim of the study: In a single institutional study, we
wanted to assess our experience with open splenic-preserving surgery for
splenic hydatid and it is crucial to detect cardiac involvement early
and provide surgical intervention as soon as possible.
Patient and methods: In retrospective research, ten
patients with splenic hydatid were operated on in our medical center between
August 2013 and January 2018. In 7 cases, the spleen was affected alone, in 3
cases, the liver and spleen were both afflicted, and one of them also showed
intraperitoneal cyst affection. Ultrasonography was used to confirm the
diagnosis. It required computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) in some circumstances. All patients got a chest X-ray to rule
out pulmonary hydatid. The most important diagnostic method includes
serologic testing cardiac imaging by echo-cardiography, CT and MR imaging to
detect cardiac involvement in hydatid diseases. The surgical procedure was
used as an open one. Isolation of the field, aspiration of cystic fluid and
injection of 1% cetrimide solution, re-aspiration, endocystectomy, and
suturing of cystic margins over the intracystic tube drain. All surgeries
were performed with albendazole (15 mg/kg/day) as a pre-and post-operative
Results: There were no major
intraoperative or postoperative problems. There was no need for a second
procedure. 3-5 days in the hospital after a (1-3) year follow-up, there was
no recurrence. Three patients, however, failed to follow up after two years
and as for cardiac hydatid cysts, it can induce deadly consequences such as
rupture and embolization, surgical resections combined with medicinal therapy
are the best therapeutic option.
Conclusion: Our experience with splenic
hydatid motivates us to employ splenic-preserving surgery rather than
splenectomy if appropriate. Cardiac hydatid cyst illness can occasionally
produce a fistula between the coronary and pulmonary arteries. Therefore, to
provide best possible treatment cardiac cyst must be investigated in endemic
countries as early as possible.
involvement- Involvement of the spleen is very rare in hydatid disease, among
the commonly involved organs in hydatid disease spleen is the third most common
organ. The rarity makes it a diagnostic challenge for clinicians, particularly
in endemic areas. Splenic hydatidosis has been documented since the beginning
of time. Splenic hydatidosis was initially described as an autopsy finding by
Berlot in 1790 [1].
It may be discovered by chance or as a result of non-specific complaints. It is found in South America, Africa, the
Middle East, South Europe, India, and Australia, where cattle are raised.
Splenic hydatid affects 0.5-4 % of the world's population [2].
Parasitic cysts of the spleen are almost exclusively hydatid cysts. In endemic
areas, 50-80% of splenic cysts are echinococcal [3].
involvement- Cardiac hydatid cyst localization is very uncommon, accounting for
0.02% to 2% of all hydatidosis patients. Cardiac involvement can arise as a
result of the systemic or pulmonary circulation, or as a result of direct extension
from nearby structures. A hydatid cyst can appear anywhere on the heart. The
cyst's size, location, and integrity all play a role in the manifestations.
Although cardiac hydatid cysts are usually asymptomatic for years, they can
occasionally cause life-threatening clinical problems. We describe a left
ventricular hydatid cyst that resulted in acute coronary syndrome in our study.
Morphology and
granulosus (EG) causes the most prevalent form of hydatid disease in people; it
is a localized cystic disease that most usually affects the liver and lungs.
Other types of Echinococcus are, E. multilocularis, E. vogeli, and E.
oligarthrus, [4]. Adult tapeworms are little tapeworms with a length of 3 to 6
mm. It is made up of three segments: (i) head or scolex, (ii) a neck, and (iii)
a strobila with three segments (the first is immature, the second is adult, and
the last is gravid). The egg is ovoid-shaped and includes three pairs of hooks
in the form of a hexacanth embryo. Hydatid disease is a zoonotic infection that
affects humans. Echinococcus has a definitive host (typically dogs or kindred
species) and an intermediate host in its life cycle (such as sheep, goats, or
swine). Humans are merely incidental hosts, with no bearing on the transmission
cycle. Adult E. granulosus tapeworms are most commonly detected in dogs and
other canids. The adult tapeworm lives in the final host's small intestine. The
tapeworm is made out of proglottid segments that create parasite eggs with
embryos inside (oncospheres). The eggs are released with the definitive hosts'
faces on them. The intermediate host and humans consume them. Hexacanth embryos
hatch in the duodenum. In around 8 hours, the embryos dug their way through the
intestinal wall and into the portal vein's radicles. The portal vein transports
the embryos to the liver, where they are halted in the sinusoidal capillaries
(first filter). Some embryos may make their way into the pulmonary circulation
via hepatic capillaries (second filter). A few embryos may pass through the
pulmonary embryos and into the general bloodstream, where they may lodge in
numerous organs such as the spleen, heart, lung, kidney, and so on. There has
been conjecture about the parasite's various routes to the spleen; the arterial
route appears to be the most reasonable and would assist to explain the
parasite's rare presence because it would need the parasites to pass through
both hepatic and pulmonary filters. Transcoelomic spread from other organs,
especially rupture superficial liver hydatid cyst, is another route [5]. Some
researchers believe that the embryo migrates from the portal vein to the
splenic vein, which reaches the spleen when the intraabdominal pressure is high
[6]. Embryos can also enter the lacteals and enter the systemic circulation via
the cisterna chyli. Isolated splenic hydatid is uncommon, even in endemic
locations, accounting for (0.8–4%) of all human hydatid cases while accounting
for (5.8%) of all instances of abdominal hydatid [7]. The cyst expanded slowly
over several years, 0.3 cm-1 cm/year is the rate of growth [7], before reaching
a size that could be clinically diagnosed, which characterized the syndrome
[8]. However, throughout any time of cyst growth [9], including cystic rupture
into the peritoneal cavity, which resulted in the omental or visceral cyst, the
beginning of complication moved the disease into an overt condition. Cardiac
distribution of hydatid cysts is linked to the vascular supply of distinct
myocardial regions (the left coronary artery is prominent) and myocardial mass
(the left ventricle has the bigger myocardial mass), with a higher incidence in
the left ventricle. Pericardial, endocardial, and intramural cysts are all
possible. Hydatid cysts on the right side of the heart tend to expand
intracavitarily and sub-endocardially. The left ventricle is the most commonly
affected site (75%), followed by the right ventricle (15%), the
interventricular septum (5%-9%), the left atrium (8%), the pericardium (8%),
the pulmonary artery (7%), and the right atrium (3% -4%). The other species
like E. multilocularis are hosted by wild canids (typically foxes), with
rodents serving as natural intermediate hosts. Domestic dogs and cats can
become infected and pass the virus on to humans or contaminate food with
parasite eggs. Dogs and other canids are the definitive hosts for E. vogeli,
while pacas and other rodents are the primary intermediate hosts. Polycystic
hydatid disease is caused by E. vogeli. The hydatid cyst formed by the three
layers The outermost adventitia (pseudocyst) of fibrous tissue, the middle
layer of a laminated membrane (ectocyst), and the innermost layer of germinal
epithelium (endocyst) it is the cyst's very thin and essential layer that gives
rise to (a) the brood capsule containing scolice, (b) the secretion of hydatid
fluid, and (c) the formation of the outer layer. The germinal layer produces
brood capsules. It starts as a sphere, but it quickly vacuolate and transforms
into a vesicle. Within these brood capsules, scolices (numbering 5 to 20 or
more) develop. The adult worm's future head is displayed by a completely grown
scolex. When the hydatid cyst is swallowed by the definitive host, the scolices
successfully attach to the small intestine and develop into adult worms inside
the definitive host's intestine.
Hydatid fluid
composition: It's
a colorless, transparent fluid with a specific gravity of 1005 to 1010. It's
likely that the reaction is slightly alkaline. It's made up of sodium chloride,
sodium sulphate, sodium phosphate, and succinic acid salts in sodium and
calcium. It is antigenic and very poisonous, causing anaphylactic reactions. It
could contain hydatid sand, which is nothing more than a granular deposit made
up of free scolices and liberated brood capsules.
Anatomy, Physiology & function of the spleen
The spleen is a
purple-colored fist-shaped organ that measures around 5 inches long, 3 inches
wide, 1.5 inches thick, and about 6 ounces in weight, situated at the upper far
left part of the abdomen. & it is covered by the 9th 10th and 11th rib and
supplied by the splenic artery and splenic vein which plays an important role
in transmitting embryos. The spleen was once thought to be an unnecessary organ
because it was not thought to be necessary for life; however, as more
information about the negative effects of splenectomy became available,
surgeons became more conservative in their approach to splenic disease
management, attempting to preserve the spleen and maintain the following
The spleen is a
specific location of specialized immunoglobin M (IgM) synthesis in the immune
system. The macrophages in the reticulum have a filter function in which they
catch cellular and non-cellular debris from the blood, including bacteria,
particularly pneumococci. Another key function is "culling," which
involves removing old platelets and red cells. They are pitting in which the
spleen is involved in removing red cell nuclei and malarial parasites without
killing the cell. Another splenic function is iron reutilization. Because up to
30–40% of blood platelets sequester within the spleen, causing post-splenectomy
thrombocytosis [10], the spleen can operate as a pooling organ.
Postoperative complications
Spleen—Splenectomy postoperative
complications include Haemorrhage after the resection of a big and attached
spleen, blood oozing may be continuous and bothersome. Hot packs are the
greatest way to stop bleeding from a raw splenic bed. As the final step of the
operation, approximating the cut ends of the lienorenal and gastrosplenic
ligaments with a continuous suture of fine catgut might substantially improve
haemostasis. Injury to the tail of the
pancreas, if extra attention is not given during dissection for hilar vessels,
damage to the tail of the pancreas may result. This can result in a dehiscence
of the abdominal wound, peritoneal effusion, and a localized abscess. A pancreatic
fistula might form if the area has not been drained, and nontechnical
complications such as post-splenectomy septicemia or opportunist
post-splenectomy infection (OPSI), which can all be avoided with conservative
surgery [10]. Due to ligation of the short gastric vessel, gastric fistula can
develop due to a reduction in vascular supply to the fundus and greater
curvature of the stomach. However, this form of fistula can also develop due to
damage to the greater curvature when ligating the short gastric vessel.
Thrombosis-An increase in platelet count following splenectomy may increase the
risk of postoperative venous thrombosis. This type of thrombosis can happen in
the portal, hepatic, or systemic veins. However, this issue does not occur as
frequently as one might expect. Bacterial infections with septicemia,
especially in young children, rapidly proceed to circulatory collapse and death
after splenectomy [11]. Injuries to the bowels include the colon and stomach.
With precise dissection techniques, these can be avoided. Injury to the stomach
can occur when short gastric arteries are ligated too close to the stomach
side. It has two levels of mending during the dissection to separate the lower
pole, there is a risk of colonic damage. In a similar way, it is also mended.
Slippage of the ligature (splenic artery), hilar dissection, and capsular tear
during retraction are all examples of vascular damage (2-3 %). Needs to be
sutured, coagulated, or clamped after being identified. Overwhelming
post-splenectomy sepsis is characterized by its sudden onset, fast progression
of shock, and frequent occurrence of meningitis. It is more common in younger
people, although it can also happen years after splenectomy in elderly patients
[12]. In splenectomized children and adults, Streptococcus pneumonia is the
most common cause of septicemia, accounting for 60% of cases. Another quarter
(25 %) is caused by Neisseria meningitides and Haemophilus influenza type b,
with the rest caused by Escherichia coli, Streptococci species, Staphylococcus
auras, Klebsiella species, and Salmonella species. Due to the increased risk of
opportunist post-splenectomy infection (OPSI) in the splenectomized patient,
Pneumovax, a pneumococcal antitoxin, should be given two weeks prior to surgery.
Athelectasis of the left lower lobe is a common side effect. Pleural effusion
may or may not be involved. The existence of a subphrenic abscess or irritation
or injury to the left hemidiaphragm are the most common causes. It is
critically important to inform the patient about the risks of OPSI and to
administer medications for any infections. Antimalarial prophylaxis should be
given to splenectomized patients who live in malaria-endemic areas [10].
Heart—There is no postoperative
complication has been seen with the Patient of cardiac hydatid cyst and patient
has been discharged within 10 days.
Patient and Methods
Ten patients with
splenic hydatid cyst underwent splenic-preserving surgery in our center between
August 2013 and January 2018. Eight of them are being researched
retrospectively, and two are being followed proactively. All patients underwent
a clinical evaluation that included a complete medical history, a thorough
physical examination, and a thorough investigation. Ultrasonography was used to
confirm the diagnosis of splenic hydatid. In certain cases, a computed
tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were required, and
all patients had a chest X-ray to rule out pulmonary hydatid.
Among this one patient
complains of typical chest pain for the last 20-25 days, pain is aggravated
during walking, heavy lifting, and slowly subsides after rest. The radiograph
reveals an increase in the size of the left ventricle and dimensions of the
heart. Acute coronary syndrome was revealed by electrocardiogram. Coronary
angiography revealed that the pulmonary artery of a patient is fistulated with
branches of the right and left coronary artery. A 2D transthoracic
echocardiography and DSA were performed on a patient. A floating membrane with
a cystic lesion which was originated from the left ventricle wall has been
revealed by echocardiography. The diagnosis is confirmed by thoracic magnetic
resonance imaging and thoracic computed tomography. As our primary focus was to
reveal a hydatid cyst of the spleen, other diagnostic tests have been performed
on a patient which confirms cystic lesion at the inferior part of the spleen.
In order to resect the cardiac cyst patient was sent to the cardiac surgery
2.1. Clinical Features
Hydatid Spleen
When patients came with
upper abdomen pain, primarily in the left upper quadrant or epigastrium, which
was the most common symptom of splenomegaly, and palpable mass was the most
prevalent Findings, a non-complicated hydatid cyst diagnosis was based on
clinical suspicion.
True splenic cysts are
often asymptomatic and discovered by chance. Patients with symptomatic
compression of the left kidney may have ambiguous upper abdominal fullness and
discomfort, early satiety, pleuritic chest pain, left-back or shoulder pain,
urine symptoms, Dyspepsia, constipation due to colon pressure, dyspnea due to
pressing up of the left diaphragm [13] colon fistula [14], or perforation into
the diaphragm or bronchial tree [15] are all possible symptoms.
Hydatid Heart
The clinical
presentation of cardiac hydatid cysts varies greatly and is strongly dependent
on the cysts' location and size.
Precordial pain is the
most prevalent symptom, though it is usually vague and does not resemble angina
pectoris. The most serious complication of a cardiac hydatid cyst is rupture
into the pericardial sac, which can result in cardiac tamponade, anaphylactic
shock, or pericarditis.
Cardiac echinococcosis
can potentially induce massive pulmonary or systemic embolism, pulmonary
hypertension, arrhythmia, compression of coronary arteries with consequent
myocardial ischemia, valve dysfunction, obstruction of the ventricular outflow
tract, and pulmonary hypertension. Right ventricular cysts are more likely to
burst, resulting in a pulmonary embolus, anaphylaxis, or sudden death; left
ventricular cysts, on the other hand, have a tendency to grow subepicardially.
2.2. Operative Techniques
There are several
techniques to treat hydatid spleen which include splenectomy, laparoscopy,
robotic laparoscopy, and spleen preserving surgery, etc. and for cardiac cystic
lesion intact endocyst enucleation, total cyst resection, and puncture
aspiration cystectomy are procedural method.
Splenectomy: Splenectomy is currently the
most common therapeutic option since it has a low rate of morbidity and
mortality [3], [15] Cysts, especially larger ones, should be surgically treated
due to the constant severe repercussions of rupture. Because the splenic
parenchyma is severely diminished due to pressure atrophy and thick fibrous
membrane, the literature recommends total splenectomy in bigger cysts, as seen
in the
hepatic cyst. Splenectomy, on the other hand, is linked to haemorrhage,
pancreatitis, stomach injuries, and overwhelming post-splenectomy infection
(OPSI), all of which have been documented in the literature. Sepsis-related
fatalities occurred in 1.9% of adults and 4% of children who had their spleen
removed [8].
Spleen preserving surgery: Partially
splenectomy, cyst enucleation, cyst deroofing with Omentoplasty, or external
drainage are all popular spleen-preserving procedures. Total splenectomy
advocates say that there is a lesser chance of recurrence and postoperative
bleeding with this procedure [15]. Total splenectomy, according to proponents
of conservative surgery, predisposes to sepsis and should be avoided,
especially in children [16]. For superficial cysts restricted to one of the
spleen's poles and cysts with significant adhesions, conservative treatments
are performed [17]. To avoid overwhelming post-splenectomy infection (OPSI),
which has a mortality rate of more than 50%, preserving the spleen should always
be attempted in youngsters.
preparation was done based on the patient's general health and anesthetic
readiness. The abdomen is opened either via a midline or left subcostal
incision during a laparotomy performed under a general anesthetic in a supine
position. A splenic hydatid cyst has been identified, preoperative peritoneal
cavity exploration for undiscovered hepatic or peritoneal hydatid. Isolation of
the operational field with hypertonic solution-soaked packs (20 -30 %
hypertonic saline), the cyst fluid is aspirated. Re-aspiration after injecting
a reasonable amount of (1 % cetrimide) solution and waiting for at least 5
minutes. The spleen isn't required for mobilization, the endocyst is removed
and the cavity is washed with normal saline. Taking up residence in the cystic
cavity's intracystic drain. Close monitoring of the patient during and after
surgery for allergic reactions or other complications. Follow-up with the
patient until he or she is discharged from the hospital (3rd–5th) days.
Patients should be followed up every month for the first month after surgery,
then every six months for the next six months, and then every year for the next
three years. After two years, three patients had not been followed upon. The
same surgical team performs all of the operations. All surgeries were performed
under the influence of albendazole 15 mg/kg/day for one week before surgery and
for four months afterward, in three cycles of 28 days each, with one week of
rest in between each cycle.
The cysts were discovered in the left ventricular
wall and the operation was performed through a median sternotomy. The operative
field was wrapped in towels soaked in a 1% povidone-iodine solution, which was
also injected into the cysts. On the prominent portion of the left ventricular
wall, a longitudinal left ventriculotomy was performed. The germinative
membrane was removed after the cysts were opened, and the fistula which was
present between the pulmonary artery and coronary artery has been repaired and
prophylactic medical therapy with albendazole was started.
They are six men and
four girls, ranging in age from five to forty years (mean 23.6 years). In seven
cases, hydatid spleen was identified alone, whereas splenic and liver hydatid was
identified in three cases, one of which also included peritoneal hydatid
affection. The length of stay in the hospital varied from 3 to 5 days. There
were no major intraoperative complications or difficulties, and there was no
significant postoperative morbidity or mortality. One of the patients gets a
fever, which is caused by lung atelectasis and may be treated effectively.
Following surgery, one patient develops a wound infection. Although three
patients were missed from follow-up after two years, there was no recurrence
after 1-3 years of follow-up. Follow-up sonography imaging revealed a reduction
in cyst bed size with the elimination of the component, pseudotumor appearance,
and a thicker and uneven cyst wall. The obliteration of the cavity was complete,
and the spleen was effectively retained, according to patient follow-up over a
period of 1-3 years. Figure 1 shows the demographic and clinical data of the
patients and figure 2 shows the postoperative complications results.
1: Demographic and
clinical characteristics of the study patients
Surgical features
surgery, n (%)
of patients
6 (60)
4 (40)
3 (30)
upper abdominal pain
7 (70)
tests positive
7 (70)
7 (70)
3 (30)
and liver affection
2 (20)
7 (70)
liver, and Heart
1 (10)
in upper pole of spleen
2 (10)
in middle part of spleen
2 (10)
in lower pole of spleen
6 (60)
diameter (3-5) cm
8 (80)
diameter > 5 cm
2 (20)
Figure 2. Demographic and clinical information of the
Figure 1. The
postoperative complications result of patients.
Table 2: Description of the postoperative
Surgical features
surgery, n (%)
platelet syndrome
partial small-bowel obstruction
1 (10)
cavity effusion
(1-3 years)
1 (10)
2 (20)
The heart and spleen
are one of the less common organs to be damaged by hydatid illness. Splenectomy
was the standard treatment for splenic hydatid until recently. The spleen was
once regarded to be unnecessary because it was not thought to be vital to life.
As a result, the surgeons were free to sacrifice the spleen. Increased
awareness of the negative consequences of splenectomy [10], particularly the
risk of post-splenectomy sepsis (immunological function) and operative risk,
made it critical to preserve splenic - parenchyma and function as much as
possible [18] and led to a conservative approach to splenic disease management
[2]. As a result, doctors are increasingly attempting to spare the spleen and
preserve its functioning. The most frequent benign cystic lesion in the spleen
is hydatid, which is primarily caused by EG [19]. Despite its rarity, therapy
is required due to the severity and frequency of consequences. When treating
benign illness, it is now mandatory to try to preserve the spleen and keep it
functioning [15]. Despite the fact that cystic inoculation and splenic hydatid
draining should always be attempted [19], splenectomy should only be performed
when local conditions demand or a technical misshape arises. Despite our
optimistic results in our patients, the number of our patients is still
limited, and adoption of this option as it is safe and effective in
multicentric studies is associated with an increasing number of cases, which
will undoubtedly produce correct findings of this surgical option. The spleen
hydatid cyst is a rare disorder, and preserving the spleen should always be
attempted, especially in children. Surgery is still the most effective
treatment for CE, including splenic echinococcosis. Splenectomy has been shown
to offer benefits in terms of lowering recurrence and having fewer
complications, according to reports [20], [21].
Surgery is still the
most effective treatment for a hydatid cyst. In adults, total splenectomy is
the recommended treatment because that offers a full cure with a low incidence
and mortality rate, but in children, spleen preservation surgery should be
considered to prevent OPSI. The viability of eliminating the hydatid cyst of
the spleen while preserving splenic functions has been established by our
experienced operators. As a result, the potential disaster of a
post-splenectomy complication can be avoided. Splenectomy should only be
performed when local conditions demand it or when a technical mishap occurs.
The best possible treatment for cardiac hydatid cyst is surgical resection even
though in an asymptomatic patient, this results in a full recovery and a
favorable prognosis. And the cyst which is located superficially can be removed
with the beating heart technique.
Authors would like to
thank Jabir Ibn Hayyan Medical University, Iraq for basic lab facility.
Conflict of interest
All authors declare no
conflict of interest.
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