are an area of study and technology that has grown dramatically in the previous
few decades due to its importance in many other sectors [1]. The area of
nanotechnology in science holds great promise for use in the medical field.
Nanotechnology is crucial to current research because it is the most useful
technology that can be applied in practically every field, including cosmetics,
pharmaceuticals, environmental health, food and feed, chemical industry,
agricultural science, energy sector, drug and gene delivery, mechanics, and
space industry. Thus, in nanotechnology, it is becoming increasingly vital to
use microorganisms, enzymes, and plant extracts in clean, biocompatible,
non-toxic, and ecologically acceptable ways [2]. The rapidly emerging discipline
of nanotechnology has seen an explosion of attention in recent years. The tiny
billionth of a meter is referred to as a "nano" in this context.
Numerous applications in the domains of energy, nutrition, and medicine have
already made use of these nanostructures' smaller size and distinctive surface
chemistry. [3]. Particles with a
size range of 1–100 nm are known as nanoparticles (NPs), and they are the
primary focus of the emerging field of nanotechnology[4]. In addition to being
employed in many chemical and medicinal applications, nanoparticles are also
used in everyday life. Generally speaking, there are two types of
nanoparticles: inorganic (such metallic and magnetic nanoparticles) and organic
(like liposome, chitosan, and micelles)[5]. In addition to
being employed in many chemical and medicinal applications, nanoparticles are
also used in everyday life. Generally speaking, there are two types of
nanoparticles: inorganic (such metallic and magnetic nanoparticles) and organic
(like liposome, chitosan, and micelles) [6].
Nanoscale: A
range of sizes approximately 1–1000 nm.
2. Nanoscience:The study of matter at the
nanoscale, which looks at how bulk materials change or emerge as individual
atoms or molecules, with an emphasis on understanding aspects that depend on
size and structure.
Nanotechnology: The
scientific investigation of many applications in industry and biomedicine for
the manipulation and control of materials at the nanoscale.
4. Nanomaterial:
are defined as materials having any external or interior features on the
nanoscale dimension.
Nano-object: A nano-object is a substance having one or more
peripheral nanoscale dimensions.
Nanoparticle: An
external nano-object with three small dimensions. In times where the lengths of
a nano-object's longest and shortest axes differ, the terms "nanorod"
or "nanoplate" are employed rather than "nanoparticles"
Nanofiber: A material with three dimensions—two of which are the
same externally and one of which is larger—is called a nanofiber.
Nanocomposite: A multiphase structure that contains at least one
dimension at the nanoscale.
9. Nanostructure:
A group of connected nanoscale component parts.
materials: materials with externally or internal nanostructure [7].
material science, green synthesis has become a stable, durable, and sustainable
process for creating a variety of nanomaterials, such as metal oxides, hybrids,
and materials inspired by biological processes [8]. Recently, scientists
have been more interested in the environmentally friendly synthesis of
nanoparticles using microbes and plant extracts. The biogenesis of
nanoparticles is considered preferable to chemical synthesis due to the
creation of hazardous chemical species that are adsorbed on the particle
surface during chemical synthesis. This synthesis can involve bacteria, plants,
algae, fungi and other living organisms. Many nonoparticles can be produced
because of the phytochemical in its extract, which acts as a stabilizing and
reducing agent [9]. In addition to possessing exceptional chemical
stability and photocatalytic activity, titanium oxide (TiO2) is
inexpensive and safe for biological usage. The two types of titanium oxide (TiO2)
that make up most of the material are crystalline and amorphous. When particles
are in the crystalline state, they are grouped in a regular and comparable
manner. The most stable crystalline phase is formed in rutile when the
temperature reaches a high of 800ºC. In contrast, the amorphous form’s uneven
shape results from the particles haphazard arrangement. The process of
depositing thin sheets at 350ºC results in the formation of anatase, an
amorphous material [10]. Three polymorphic forms of titanium dioxide
with crystalline structure that can be found in nature are rutile, anatase and
brookite. The gemstone industry uses these materials extensively [11].
Researched, developed and integrated CuO, ZnO and CeMo nanoparticles into
commercial paints. In technology, titanium oxide (TiO2) is a crucial
substance. As a paint pigment, it is widely utilized and exhibits improved
performance in photocatalytic application for the removal of different organic
pollutants from both air and water. TiO2 is also regarded as a
promising option for photoelectrochemical energy production [12]. The
semiconducting transition metal oxide material TiO2 has several
advantageous characteristics, including easy controllability, low cost,
non-toxicity, and robust resistance to chemical erosion. It can therefore be
used in application such as environmental distillation, chemical sensors, and
solar cells. The three most prevalent crystalline polymorphous forms of
dioxide, which can also take on amorphous and crystalline forms, are anatase,
rutile, and brookite. For titanium dioxide (TiO2), the aqueous
medium is stable and can take both acidic and alkaline solutions. TiO2 nanoparticles
have been used in photocatalysis, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals [13].
Naturally hydrophobic in most situations, TiO2 is a bright white,
odorless powder. It is an opacifier that works quite well and is highly stable.
TiO2 NPs, able to capture 3-4% of solar energy, are the most
efficient solar collectors. One insoluble, fire-resistant, highly thermally
stable, and non-hazardous metal oxide is titanium dioxide (TiO2).
The atomic numbers of titanium (22 from the IV B group) and oxygen (8 from the
VI A group) make up TiO2 [14].
Material and methods
A. Collection of Industrial Algae
algae from Siddhachalam Laboratory's (Raipur) stock was used in this
investigation. The creation of TiO2 nanoparticles employed this algae as a
B. The formation of algae extract
Cleaned the Algae 5 to 6 times
with normal water until the calcium is removed and The lastly cleaned the algae
with distilled water. Dry until moisture is removed from the algae. 20g of
algae powder are mixed with 150ml of D/W. and was kept in boiled under 2 hours.
Then shake and centrifuge and filtrate.
C. Synthesis of TiO2
About 50ml of distilled water was taken in a conical
flask and 3.9933g of TiO2 was added to it. The mixture was varied
the for magnetic stirrers 2 hours and their algal extract a resolution was added
drop wise that an interval of 5minutes. The solution was washed (Centrifuged)
by D/W. for 4 to 5 times in an interval of 20 minutes and was placed in
centrifuge to obtain the precipitate and filtrate. After that the precipitate
was washed with ethanol (Alcohol). Transferred to a glass beaker, is positioned
on a Magnetic stirrer at low level (130 ͦ C) for drying. The dried precipitate
was placed in crucible on Hot Air Oven under 110 ͦ C for 4 hours. After that
the precipitate was transferred to Muffle Furnace for 4 hours at 500 ͦC and
then it was cooled in a desiccator and collected. Then placed in a desiccators.
After removing it from the desiccator, it is placed in another crucible and
pistachios ground finely in the help of Mortar Pestle.
UV-Vis spectra analysis
particles were described using a Shimadzu UV-Vis Spectroscopy 1900i. Since TiO2
nanoparticles are soluble in ethylene glycol, the sample must first be diluted
with water or ethylene glycol before being placed in the UV-Vis Spectroscopy.
This allows the sample to be directly in the light source, allowing the
spectrum to be seen on the screen in the form of a graph. The absorption of the
nanoparticles was recorded in the transmittance mode in the region of 200–800
by UV-Vis light.
Using an FT-IR spectrum analyzer
(Perkin Elmer's LS-65 Light-emitting spectrophotometer), the material
composition of the synthetic titanium oxide nanoparticle was studied. The
solution was described in the 4000-400 cm-1 range after being dried at a
temperature of 75°C and powdered using the KBr pellet technique.
One special technique for
figuring out a compound's crystallinity is XRD. A cathode ray tube is used to
create the X-rays, which are then focused on the specimen, collimated to provide
monochromatic radiation, and filtered. When conditions meet Bragg's law (nλ =
2dsinϴ), the interaction of the incident rays with the sample results in
constructive interference (and a diffracted ray). Actually, one of the
foundational ideas in the study of X-ray diffraction is Bragg's law. Bragg's
law equation has an integer n, a characteristic wavelength (λ) representing the
X-ray beams impinging on the crystallized sample, an interplanar spacing (d)
representing the distance between rows of atoms, and an angle (ϴ) representing
the X-ray beams relative to these planes.
4.Methylene Blue Degradation Analysis
Due to the solubility of TiO2 in
water, the TiO2 sample solution with D/W was
employed for MBD analysis. Several absorption graphs are created in each cycle
of Vis Spectroscopy, which illustrates the metal oxide's degradation of
Methylene Blue over a period of time.
For Antimicrobial study
TiO2 NPs
are tested for antibacterial activity using the well diffusion method. The well
diffusion method is frequently used to determine a compound's minimal
inhibitory concentration as well as for antimicrobial testing of antibiotics
and other metal compounds. This procedure involves dispersing the microbe to be
tested, creating tiny wells via the borer, filling them with a metal oxide
nanoparticle solution, and allowing the nanomaterials to diffuse. The impact of
the NPs is to inhibit the growth of the organisms that are grown.
5.1 For Antibacterial Study
NAM media should be prepared for
antibacterial study of TiO2 NPs
Peptone - 5.00
HM Peptone B - 1.50
Yeast Extract - 1.50
Sodium Chloride - 5.00
Agar - 15.00
D/W - 1000 ml
Final pH - 7.4 (
A pure culture of bacteria is
inoculated by spreading and well-formed media that has been prepared and poured
into Petri plates. TiO2 NPs solution is added in little
amounts to the well, which are then examined and incubated at 37°C for the
entire night.
For Antifungal Study
PDA media should be prepared for
antifungal study of TiO2 NPs
Infusion from Potatoes - 200g
Dextrose (Glucose) - 20g
Agar - 15g
D/W - 1000ml
Final Ph - 7.4 (
After preparing the media,
pouring it into Petri plates, and allowing it to solidify, a pure culture of a
fungal colony is inoculated. A small amount of TiO2 NPs
solution is introduced to the well, and it is then examined for 48 hours at
25°C during incubation.
III. Result also Discuss
UV-Visible spectra evaluation
The UV-Visual spectrophotometer serves as the
foundation for the artificial materials UV-Vis spectrum NPs. The band gap of
the produced TiO2 NPs was determined to be 3.4 by analyzing the
UV-visible spectra, and we obtained the total absorbance for the NPs at that
point. Based on UV absorbance spectra, we deduced that TiO2 reacts when UV light
acts as a photo catalyst, breaking extraordinarily strong covalent bonds.
Figure 1:
Results showing UV-Vis spectraphotometer of TiO2 NPs synthesized
from Industrial algae.
For band gap we use the Touc
Relation, which is given by the formula;
hv = A (hv – Eg)n
hv = Incident Wavelength
Band gap calculation from the
= 3.4

Figure 2: Band gap of TiO2 NPs synthesized from Industrial
The FT-IR spectrum used to
examine the TiO2 NPs' functioning groups. To
obtain an absorption frequency in the I region, an FT-IR spectrophotometer was
employed. The stretching and bending vibration of the –OH groups is responsible
for the spectra's peak at 3400 and 1650 cm-1. A minor peak at 1450 cm-1 is
evident as the Ti-O-Ti stretching vibration. The functional groups that were
present in the generated TiO2 NPs were identified using FT-IR
spectra. Measurements were made between 4000-650 cm-1 at a resolution of 4
cm-1. The 800-1200 cm-1 range of the FT-IR spectra showed three prominent
peaks. verifies the presence of many functional groups that suggest the
extracts contain phenols, organic acids, and aliphatic amines. These substances
may serve as reducing and stabilizing agents when the TiO2 NPs
are being formed.

Figure 3: FT-IR spectrum of TiO2
NPs synthesized from Industrial algae.
Figure 4 shows the
synthesized TiO2 NPs' X-ray
diffraction pattern. The peak details are located at 36, 53, and 57, which
correspond to the (004), (116), and (215) crystal planes, respectively.

Figure: 4 XRD spectrum of TiO2 NPs
v Methylene
Blue Degradation Analysis
Methylene blue is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C16H18C1N3S.
Methylene blue was catalyzed to degrade by TiO2 NPs, and the extent of the degradation
was assessed by UV-Visible spectroscopy. The visiblespectrum absorption peaks
of methylene blue dye in water were found to be centered at 664 nm.

Figure 5: Showing dye for Methylene blue degradation.
The photocatalytic activity of
NPs during production was investigated by means of regular interval degradation
of Methylene Blue Dye. For the test, 10-1 Methylene blue dye was utilized, and
MB solution was significantly diluted with TiO2 NPs
sample solution. The sample data is collected by UV-Vis Spectrophotometer for
approximately 40 cycles at regular intervals of time, and the graph is
produced. The modification of color MB in deep on light blue hue indicates a
reduction in dye and photo catalytic effect. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 NPs is
demonstrated by the decrease in absorbance at various wavelengths over time. 
Figure 6: TiO2 Photo catalytic Absorbance graph.
v Antimicrobial
The solid agar medium is tested
for microorganisms using the well diffusion method. Whereas no zone or no
effect is observed in the fungal culture plate, indicating that no antifungal
activity is observed in synthesized TiO2 NPs, an area of clear
restriction around the well containing TiO2 NPs had been observed in the
bacterial culture plate, demonstrating the antibacterial properties of
synthesized TiO2 NPs.

(A) (B)
Figure 7: (A) TiO2 Antibacterial
Study, Staphylobacillus
(B)TiO2 Antifungal
Study, Alternaria.
In order to cause a loss of
barrier integrity, an increase in membrane fluidity, cellular content leakage,
and ultimately cell lysis, TiO2 NPs have been focused on the
oxidation of phospholipids and its impact on membrane integrity.
Finally, we can say that using a
green synthesis approach, the process of creating nanoparticles was effectively
finished. The FT-IR data confirm the vibration NPs of TiO2, and
the UV-Vis spectroscopy absorbance data conformance regarding the absorbance
and the result reveals that the NPs were manufactured appropriately. The
absorbance can be observed at 320 nm, which is similar to the absorbance of TiO2 NPs
and allows us to compute the band gap of around 3.4. The Methylene Blue
Reduction Test verifies the photocatalytic effect, and the dye reduction of
Methylene Blue over around 40 cycles over the course of an hour is demonstrated
by the blue color becoming lighter and a removal percentage of roughly 70%. By
preventing the bacteria Staphylobacillus from growing, antibacterial activity
demonstrates the antimicrobial properties of NPs.
The clear zones surrounding the
well holding the TiO2 NPs are established after the
incubation period of one day. We can also conclude that TiO2 NPs
are a convenient antimicrobial agent for use against bacteria.