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Author(s): Chaman Soni1, Surendra Gupta2, Himanshu Ranjan3

Email(s): 1himanshuranjan87094@gmail.com


    IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida, India.

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2023

DOI: 10.55878/SES2023-3-1-5  

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The project aims to create a reliable and user-friendly vending machine that caters to the needs and preferences of customers. Extensive market research provides insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and competitor analysis, ensuring the machine meets market demands. The design and development phase involves selecting the appropriate vending machine type, determining specifications, sourcing components, integrating security features, and designing an intuitive user interface. The prototype construction and assembly are documented, emphasizing testing procedures and iterative improvements. Overall, this project report serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the intricacies of designing and implementing a successful vending machine, taking into account market demands, user preferences, security measures, and technological integration.

Cite this article:
Chaman Soni, Surendra Gupta, Himanshu Ranjan Working of vending machine. Spectrum of Emerging Sciences, 3 (1) 2023, 26-29. 10.55878/SES2023-3-1-5DOI: https://doi.org/10.55878/SES2023-3-1-5

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Author(s): Chaman Soni, Surendra Gupta, Himanshu Ranjan

DOI: 10.55878/SES2023-3-1-5         Access: Open Access Read More